January Community Meal
Wednesday, January 15 at 6pm
All are welcome to attended. Please RSVP to
Janell before January 12.
Annual International Potluck
January 25 following the Saturday 4:30pm Mass
Everyone is Welcome!
Bring your favorite dish from your family heritage to share and build community. To sign up or ask questions, contact Janell.
Free Book Exchange
The Library Committee is sponsoring a FREE BOOK EXCHANGE Jan 18/19 and Jan 25/26. Drop off your unwanted books to the Church Library.
Then after Masses, browse the tables of books in the Gathering Space. Please take what you want. The rest will be gone through and either added to the library or donated.
Bible Study: Letters From Prison
Part 1 Philippina & Philemon
January 22, 29 and February 5, 12
Social Hall
$20- Please pay and obtain your book from the parish office.
Small Groups
We will be organizing Small Groups during Lent. In January, members of the SET Committee will be available after Mass to answer questions and sign you up. Small Groups start the week of March 3 and continue weekly until April 13.
Monthly Food Shelf Collection
Once a month, we collect food shelf donations for Ascension Church. You can bring in a non-perisable food item or make a $10 donation and we will do the shopping for you. We also have monthly volunteers who help with this food shelf collection. Please read the weekly e-bulletin to see the upcoming dates.
Play In the Bell Choir
Did you know that Christ the King has had a bell choir for nearly 20 years? For almost two decades, they’ve been enhancing our liturgical music and elevating our mood with their cheerful tones.
Eleven ringers are needed to operate the full three octaves of hand bells. Because some of the ringers have recently “retired” from the ensemble, we currently need at least six more musicians to fill out the ensemble.
What skills or gifts are required? Ability to read music is highly admired though not strictly required. Ability to play in tempo is important.
What is the time commitment? Attend regular rehearsals which are held on Saturday mornings, 11 AM to 12:30 PM. The bell choir also customarily arrives one hour before Mass to prepare for liturgy when they are scheduled to play.
Interested? Give Moya a ring at the parish office, or email her at: mmmathews@ctkmpls.org.