Contact Jim DeShane to volunteer for any of the programs listed below.
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Loaves and Fishes is a metro wide program dedicated to preparing and serving an evening meal to people who are hungry and without homes. Over 70 volunteers from CTK prepare, serve and extend hospitality to 200+ guests the first Friday of every other month. Our service site is in Bloomington.
Meals on Wheels provides warm, nutritionally balanced meals to the elderly, the infirm and the homebound. Volunteers pick up, deliver and brighten the noon hour for some 300 people each month. Fifty CTK volunteers ranging from our seniors to parents with young children to workers on their lunch hour participate in this ministry.
Food Sunday Parishioners buy nonperishable staple foods and bring them to Mass the first weekend of every month. Donations are then transported to Ascension Church, our sister parish in north Minneapolis, for distribution within the Hawthorne neighborhood.
The mission of the CTK Social Justice Team is to be a catalyst within the CTK parish community for promoting social justice through education, advocacy, collaboration, leadership and action. The major ongoing goals are to take actions to promote lasting social change in affordable housing and homelessness, immigration, and the city’s northside. Opportunities exist for CTK parishioners and young people to become involved in social justice issues and to work with action committees – and/or to be kept informed of social justice activities via an email network.
Funeral Ministry Following each funeral liturgy, we provide a lunch or reception for the grieving family and friends. Volunteers prepare the food, set tables, provide desserts and serve our guests.
Prayer Shawl Ministry Shawls comfort, warm, give shelter and provide solace to the wearer. The connection with prayerfulness dates back to the original wearing of tallits by Jewish men.
Giving a prayer shawl is a tangible reminder of the support of the creator and the larger CTK community. Prayer shawls are an appropriate gift for anyone grieving or facing significant difficulties.