Youth Ministry

Please stay tuned to the weekly e-bulletin for an announcement about a new Youth Ministry Program.


2025 Youth Ministry Mission Writing Contest!

K-12th graders are invited to participate in the 2025 Mission Writing Contest! The specific details for each grade are included on the flyer along with submission instructions. The prompt for this year is: When have you been a Good Samaritan and gone out of your way to help someone in need? How does being a Good Samaritan help the Church in her mission of spreading God’s love? There is a cash prize for the winner of each grade level and the entries must be postmarked or received by March 7, 2025. Please check the flyer for details and email Abby Bosway at abosway@stthomasmpls.org with questions. The community would love to read the submissions if your student would like to share!


Lenten Soup Suppers - Every Friday During Lent

3rd-12th graders, along with their families, are invited to volunteer for our 6pm STA Soup Suppers on Fridays during Lent (March 7, 14, 21, 28 & April 4, 11). Soup Suppers will be held in Dillon Hall (lower level of STA) and will immediately follow the Stations of the Cross, which will take place at 5:30pm.  Responsibilities will include helping set up, serve soup/pour drinks, and clean up. This is a wonderful way to volunteer as a family during this special season and the parishioners of STA & CTK greatly enjoy seeing the youth ministry kids.'

Please email Abby at abosway@stthomasmpls.org or abosway@ctk-mpls.org ASAP if you'd like to volunteer, or simply click the following link to sign up:
